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Text Storage and Retrieval/Hypertext


Icam Technology Corporation

With REDIVIEW (Report Distribution and Viewing System), a data center cangreatly reduce the amount of report paper generated, and simplify thetask of distributing it. Through simple, menu-driven requests, users candesignate, based on key values, the particular pages of any report thatare of interest -- thereby eliminating the need to acquire more paperthan needed. REDVIEW will group the pages from all reports for aparticular user and print them as one file. Paper generation is furtherreduced by a powerful, online viewing subsystem that includes featureslike scrolling under fixed page headings, skipping pages forward andbackward, searching for key values, and printing pages of interest.

Language: C, COBOL
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0,2.1,2.2

Icam Technology Corporation
3201 Crestmoor Dr
San Bruno, CA 94066
Phone: (415) 872-3217
Fax: (415) 367-0941